Clearhound provides market planning, to deliver effective marketing strategies and powerful propositions that help businesses grow.

Our approach starts with your customers and consumers. We help you to use customer-centred thinking to create perfect alignment between the business’s ambition and what your customers value. If you know how to create greater value for them, then you know how to generate demand-led growth for your business.


A business with plans to grow, thinking about what your customers need and what you do for them.

Regular comment and opinion on business and marketing matters.


A challenging and supportive partner for market and brand planning, using outside-in thinking to create compelling propositions that customers value.

Most businesses have a growth agenda and
a strategy to get them there. So why isn’t it
plain sailing?


Perfect alignment between the business’s ambition and what your customers value, leading to effective marketing and innovation, and to sustainable profitable growth.

We can help with questions like:
Where will organic growth come from?
How can we grow faster?
